Monday, June 11, 2012

Day #15 A Good Day to Make A Lava Lamp

Well, the first 2 weeks of summer just flew right past me. I worried that my schedule and goals would be too much to keep up with. However, I have been pleasantly surprised that it has all gone so smoothly. Don't go getting the wrong idea...its not all rainbows, skipping, and smiley faces at our house. Although, we have managed to mostly stay on schedule and accomplish what matters most to me thus far. Plus, I have yet to hear anyone mention boredom of any sort. Our busy weekend wore me out a tad; but we still managed to have a great time with our Make it Monday theme. If you are seeking a more in-depth instruction manual for today's activity; I've gottcha covered...just click here. Once again, thank you Pinterest and all you millions of fun moms who keep pinning awesome things to do that I eventually discover and make with my kids!
Once you have your water and oil in, start adding  food coloring

red for Mr. JayDee

Add the alka seltzer and watch the reaction!

when it settles, add more alka seltzer

lava lamp!

so much fun!!!

It will never cease to amaze me what children find entertaining and fascinating. We watched our lava lamps bubble for nearly 30 minutes. Simple, free, and fun. Had I wanted to be all "teacher-y" about it, we could have discussed the Science aspect of this little experiment and what causes the reactions; but I was just in it for the fun today. So, there you have it. Today's fun was brought to you by: recycled water bottles, vegetable oil, water, food coloring, and some broken up tablets of alka seltzer. And five handsome little boys who love making things together on warm summer afternoons, under the shade of our pop-up canopy! :)


  1. I figured it out. You have such delightful boys because you are such a delightful mother. What amazing summer plans are being carried off at your home! Really, I enjoy hearing (and seeing) what you all are up to. Perhaps I will be motivated to add a few more of these fun activities into our days. You truly are super cool!

  2. How sweet are you? Thanks for reading. I sure enjoy your blog as inspire me! :)
